At 3:30am on 1st April 2016 I was sat up in bed, refreshing a stubbornly unresponsive web page. five thousand miles west, it was early evening in California as well as still the last day of March.
Tesla had opened reservations for their new design 3 before the introduce event had kicked off. even though no details, or even a photograph of the new cars and truck had been released, I was bashing away at my keyboard trying to put down a £1,000 deposit to reserve a location in the queue for one.
Rewind to The Noughties
To comprehend what brought me to this point we requirement to rewind a bit.
I had always treated EVs with a big serving of scepticism, I even keep in mind having a chuckle to myself when the Nissan leaf was launched. who would ever drive such a thing. as well as anyway, definitely they just moved emissions from the tailpipe to the power stations.
As a verified petrol head I had filled the very first decade of the new millennium with a couple of Japanese rally replicas as well as one of BMW’s M cars. All excellent fun, entertaining driving with incredibly charismatic interior combustion engines.
By 2009 younger exuberance had provided method to a browse for comfort as well as household practicality as well as I spent the next five years in a German SUV. towards the end of my time with the X5, my like for new innovation had piqued my rate of interest in the BMW i3 as well as so 2013 was the year I took my very first test drive in a full battery EV.
While I was still extremely much in the sceptic phase it was absolutely an eye opener, particularly in the performance department. Looking back, whether I understood it consciously or not, this was the point that I stopped sniggering at EVs as well as knew they were the future.
1st Teslas I saw in the flesh (NYC, April 2015)
By 2014 the X5 had been replaced with one more big SUV, however after around a year of ownership I was feeling progressively uneasy about the environmental effect of driving such a monster oil burner.
By 2015 whatever I was reading was directed towards an dissatisfied ending for diesels too. It was remove that even if a certain carbon tax wasn’t going to be introduced in the UK anytime soon, the economics were going to be agonizing in the future.
There was (and still is) so much FUD surrounding EVs as well as renewable energy as well as I wished to get the truth. I can heartily suggest this book (plus this a lot more recent one on air quality) if you want to checked out some facts yourself.
لا رجوع للخلف
So this brings us to early 2016, back where we came in, putting that design 3 reservation.
While 2013 had been the year that the seed had been planted, 2016 was the year that my cognitive dissonance had well as well as genuinely worked itself with to a resolution as well as I began to act on my intuition.
April was the month I had put down my money on the design 3 as well as I was craving a long time (my very first time) in a Tesla. So I booked a location for the next test drive day in Belfast that July.
Even though I understood it was going to be years before I got my Tesla all I might believe of was getting the modifications underway as well as in the autumn of that year I pulled the activate on a 4kWp solar variety at the Automated Home.
Just a few weeks later I offered the variety Rover, still getting a respectable cost for it (before the diesel hit the fan) as I altered to a somewhat different vehicle. I leased a 24 kWh Nissan Leaf, taking a PCP offer over three years, my finest assumption at exactly how long I’d have to wait on my design 3 to show up in the UK.
When the leaf arrived, I believe a lot of of my good friends believed I’d lost the plot. however it was an exceptionally low-cost as well as functional method to try out an EV.
I understood that if I might get by with a very first generation EV with a genuine world variety of 85 miles then anything in the future would be easy. people commonly deride the leaf for its odd looks (myself included), however I believe history will judge it as an crucial break-through cars and truck that assisted introduce EVs to numerous countless drivers.
I started in late 2016 with a great good friend as well as in the spring of 2017 we both got an invite to spend a day driving Teslas, to celebrate the opening of the new Dublin Store. This [turned out to be] an legendary day of hooning about in a P100D Ludicrous design X as well as a 90D design S. Unsurprisingly this did bit to quell the Tesla lust.
By January 2018 it was remove that diesel sales were in huge difficulty having dropped by nearly a fifth. On the last day of February of 2018 Tesla introduced the $35,000 version of the design 3, just a month timid of the 3 year anniversary of the cars and trucks announcement.
On the Tesla web site the shipment quote for UK orders stayed stubbornly as ‘Early 2019’ even thoصرح لاف موسك أن إنتاج RHD سيكون في منتصف عام 19.
ولكن بعد ذلك بدأت الأمور بشكل غير متوقع في أواخر الربيع من هذا العام. تم توصيل الطلبات عبر الإنترنت في المملكة المتحدة في الأول من مايو 2019 في حوالي الساعة 7:00 صباحًا ، وكذلك بحلول الساعة 7:25 صباحًا ، كان شراؤي في.
كان لديّ رقم 117 من أصل 4500 طلب في الـ 30 يومًا الأولى ، وكذلك المقترح للمكون من يونيو باعتباره تاريخ الشحن الذي [تبين أنه] على صواب ، فقط
كان لأصحاب الحجز في المملكة المتحدة واحدة من أطول الانتظار لتصميمهم 3. ومع ذلك ، فإن التأخير في سيارات القيادة اليمنى ، رغم أنه مؤلم ، كان مفيدًا بالمثل. قامت Tesla بتسخين الكثير من المشكلات عالية الجودة في هذه السيارات والشاحنات بالإضافة إلى توفير مقاعد مختلفة لهم بالإضافة إلى التعليق.
بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، كان هناك مجموعة كبيرة من الميزات الجديدة بالإضافة إلى تحسينات مع تحديثات تطبيق Air Over the Air بما في ذلك وضع Sentry ، ووضع Dog Pet ، وأداء الفرامل أفضل بكثير وكذلك زيادة الطاقة.
انتهى الأمر الآن بمجموعة من الوظائف التي تم تصنيفها من Autopilot إلى أن تكون شائعة أيضًا في حين تم نقل الميزات الأكثر تقدمًا إلى حزمة القيادة الذاتية الكاملة (FSD).
أمر جديد
إذن ، ما الذي بدأ في الأصل كإيقاف مسترخي لـ EVs ، الذي تم إنشاؤه في فضول وكذلك تحول في نهاية المطاف إلى القليل من الهوس.
لم أشر أبدًا إلى أنني أشرت حقًا إلى الحجز طوال هذه السنوات ، ولا أرغب في حساب دجاجي أو حلم الحلم. ومع ذلك اليوم بعد 3 سنوات ، شهرين بالإضافة إلى 28 يومًا من الانتظار ، ظهرت في مركز خدمة إدنبرة لجمع أخيرًا Tesla Design 3 Common Variety Plus.
على الرغم من أنني كنت سائقًا بدوامًا بدوامًا بدوام كامل مع الأخذ في الاعتبار أن عام 2016 ، فإن التصميم 3 هو سيارة مختلفة إلى أوراق بلدي ، كما سأقوم بفحص السيارات والشاحنة خلال الأشهر المقبلة.
تمثل رحلتي من بلفاست إلى إدنبرة اليوم الانتهاء من رحلتي من رأس البنزين إلى EV Evangelist الكامل.
يبدو من المؤسف أن تذهب مباشرة إلى المنزل عندما تجلس في سلاحك الكهربائي الجديد مع عدد قليل من المملكة المتحدة الكثير من مدرج المطار الشهيرة على بعد ساعات قليلة من الشمال. لذا ، بينما نغادر مركز خدمة تسلا ، فإننا نتجه إلى الطريقة الطويلة إلى العبارة ، في رحلة على الطريق لمدة 5 أيام عن طريق عدد قليل من الطرق الأسطورية في اسكتلندا.
البيئة كهربائية.
استخدم رمز الإحالة الخاص بي للحصول على تسلا وكذلك نحصل على 1000 ميل من الشاحن الفائق المجاني.
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